Tank Chart Calibration
The underground tank calibration of OKet adopts the capacity comparison method, which includes two data acquisition methods.

Product Introduction:

The underground tank calibration of OKet adopts the capacity comparison method, which includes two data acquisition methods.


Core algorithm based on big data

Commonly used tank chart calibration algorithms include fitting standard geometric dimensions to calculate tank chart, interpolation methods, etc.,

which are relatively simple. However, for tanks that are non-standard circles or ellipses, especially horizontal tanks in underground or different loading states, errors are prone to occur.

OKet adopts a method based on big data and multiple fitting of samples to calculate irregular surface volumes. This approach is used to process and self-verify collected data, resulting in more accurate generation of tank chart.

● Calibration algorithm technology

Comprehensive consideration of influencing factors

(liquid level fluctuations, etc.)

● Algorithm Model: Big Data Fitting Technology

● Self-checking technology: the power of data